“A business enterprise has two basic functions: marketing and innovation”

This is my favorite quote from the late, “greatest management thinker of the last century,” Peter Drucker (November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005). And though you may not know who he was, I’m bringing his quote to you because marketing and innovation should be your two basic functions too.

But You’re a Musician

Yes, I know that all you want to do is play or sing but I also know you want to make money playing and singing so you are officially a business enterprise. Congratulations.

To learn more about Marketing, check out a recent post and get a free copy of my e-book on the subject entitled, How to Get Noticed, Heard and Hired here or on Smashwords.

I want to focus this post on innovation: a subject that I hope you find exciting because…

You’re a Creative!

Yes! Finally an area of business that you were born to do well.

Well, I wish it was that easy. As a creative myself, I’ve found that I can be extremely creative about my art – 1st music, now writing – while struggling to find even one imaginative way to promote what I do. Weird.

But I have found the following tips to help:


The most valuable step you can take is to focus on your career as a separate entity from you and your art. You are a passionately artistic person who creates breathtaking music. Your career is a business entity that is the way you pay for your food, shelter, needs and wants. It can also do things that you can’t – like “be” a recording on iTunes that makes you money 24/7.

Set Aside Time

Set aside specific times to creativity explore and invent ways to do the business of your career.

Study (steal)

Study other businesses and steal their ideas:

  • Formal: Yes you can actually study businesses. Read books about businesses you admire and/or their founders and CEOs. Read magazines like Fast Company and Inc.
  • Informal: Be aware of the companies you interact with everyday. Sitting in Starbucks? Why? How did they get you there? What do they do well and how? Etc., etc.

If something’s working for another company it can probably be used successfully by you! All you have to do is:

Dare to Be Different

I’ll bet you’re already thinking about what you need to get yourself noticed, heard, and hired.

What’s keeping you from using your idea?