At 10:35 this past Saturday morning, I reached a decision. While reading an article about Evan Williams, the founder of Blogger and Twitter that described his wide ranging yet thoroughly engaging blog, I realized that I needed a change.

I realized that my recent lack of writing on this site has been caused by a strategy focused on helping artists at the exclusion of my other passions. And while a niche focus might work for a business, I am not a business, I’m a person.

So I found myself building an increasingly unmanageable assortment of outlets for my other passions – several blogs, multiple Social Networking sites and other assorted tools. This, in turn, led to an ever increasing number of half-written posts, bookmarks and links (not to mention an unfinished book).

Reading the article Saturday morning was the push I needed to move in a direction I’ve contemplated for some time. I reached a decision.

I will share more of Steve Grossman at Why I

For some, this means that you’ll hardly see a change here at all. For others, some of what I say might run counter to your beliefs. If you’re the first, I hope more of me helps you. If you’re the second, I hope you’ll give my thoughts a chance. If nothing else, you’ll have two opinions to take with you into life.I hope you enjoy the change.