There’s a bill on the Congressional House floor of Tennessee that mandates curriculum based testing for all children regardless of their school affiliation. Once in affect, this law would mean every child in the state of Tennessee would have to learn exactly what the state decides. Period.

If this sounds like a good idea to you, consider what I wrote to the Congressmen sponsors of the bill:

“Please do not pass House Bill 2795.

We live in a country predicated on certain freedoms that run deep in the hearts and minds of its citizens. Chief among them are freedom of speech and the pursuit of life and liberty. These have made, and will always make, our nation great. Why? Because we need each other to make a great nation.

We need some that cling to the past and traditions and we need those that understand the dawning of new ages well before those around them. Simply put, we need all the differences we can get.

By making one state curriculum the standard for all children through testing, you erase these differences and erase our future. Education – other than character – is not about right or wrong, it is about thinking. As Albert Einstein said “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

And this is perhaps no more true today when “We are currently preparing students for jobs and technologies that don’t yet exist…in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.”

Please do not pass House Bill 279

Thank you for your time, Steve”

My wife and I homeschool our kids. And while it’s true that our faith is a part of the reason why, what I just wrote is the real reason (of course, they’re totally interrealated, aren’t they?). I want my kids prepared to live in the future not in the world taught by schools today.

2795 is a terrible idea that I hope dies like it should.