My thanks to Roy Spencer at National Review Online for the following bit of sanity:

“And this is where the science establishment has, in my view, betrayed the public’s trust.

though there has never been a single scientific paper published that
has ruled out natural variability for most of the warming we’ve seen
since 1850, Big Science has managed to convince politicians and much of
the public that the science is settled. Apparently, our addition of
nine molecules of carbon dioxide to each 100,000 molecules of air over
the last 150 years can now be blamed for anything and everything we
choose. Hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves, floods, glaciers flowing
toward the sea…. all of these used to happen naturally, but no more.

warming that allowed the Vikings to farm in Greenland 1,000 years ago
was surely natural. But we are now told that warming in Greenland today
is surely manmade. Glaciers retreating in western Canada have revealed
evidence of previous forests, showing that warming and cooling cycles
do indeed occur, even without SUVs. Yet the SUV is now the scapegoat
for retreating glaciers.”

See, despite what you’re being told multiple times per day, science has not proven the fact that your living – consuming food, your house, the car you drive to work, or the things you do for fun – is causing our planet to self-destruct.

Why do I care? Again, I’ll quote Ray: “So, here we are with bad science ready to support bad policy decisions that will lead to bad economic times ahead…”

Read the whole thing here, but here’s my final thought:

Stewardship should always be encouraged – there’s no question we can do a much better job with the resources of our planet. However, punishing us (people, and specifically AMERICAN people) will only get us more of the knee jerk reactions that have produced things like the Nuclear waste that we have never figured out what to do with.