PersistenceUnlimited brings us a great post on the benefits of educating yourself. I firmly believe that stagnation is the main reason for the rampant boredom I see in most people. And as Brad says: “If you find you are simply bored, education is the perfect remedy.”
He’s dead on, but the reason I’m highlighting this post is the fact that he frames the topic by giving three reasons to educate yourself in defense of your marriage. Uh, YES!!!
My wife and I nearly separated and divorced several years ago and a lot of people thought we should have. But we fought through it be educating ourselves about relationships, personalities, people skills and positive thinking. The result, we learned about each other and fell in love all over again.
Nothing worth having comes without a fight. Whether it be your dreams of vocational success and personal satisfaction or maintaining and growing a lifelong relationship.
Fight for what – and who – you want.
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