The best piece of financial advice I ever got involved the subjects of education and banks. On the education side, the speaker discussed the general lack of true, life worthy financial education. As sad as it may be, we do not learn about money in school so we are left to figure much of the realities of finances out for ourselves.

Well, not completely by ourselves because banks are all too willing to teach us everything we need to know. Think about it. Think about the roles of banks and financial institutions and the tone of their materials. You’ll find the banks are all too happy to teach you all
you need to know about money – namely that you don’t know a thing about
money and it’s best to leave such difficult matters to them.

I’m writing about this because the same thing is going on in our nation’s election. The media, who, just like the banks, think we’re too stupid to think for ourselves, are selling us on the idea that Obama is the answer to all our problems – please hear me out.

I heard this morning (story) that the major networks will be broadcasting their nightly news from stops along Obama’s upcoming trip to Europe. Um, why? They’ve never done that before (no they haven’t) why are they doing it now?

For the same reason that the banks are all too happy to teach about money, they think we’re stupid and we let them treat us that way.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care who you vote for this November (and would you read me if I didn’t?), but I ultimately care much more about your decision process than your decision. Think about your sources: why are they doing what they’re doing and saying what they’re saying? Is there something they’re wanting me to do? If so, why? Also, what are they NOT saying or doing. Ultimately, are they being fair? Are you getting the information you need to make the right decision about the leader of the United States.

Do not settle for less than the right answers to these questions and the fair, thorough, knowledgeable and unbiased flow of information that choosing the President of the United States and other elected officials deserves.