“If I want to learn about you and your current life, all I have to do is meet 10 or 12 of your friends. Your life is essentially identical to theirs in terms of where you live and what you do, and your income is the same give or take 15%.
“If you all stick together the same will be true in 5 years.” – from Why I Failed in the Music Business
Order your copy of Why I Failed in the Music Business and How NOT to Follow in My Footsteps today, click here.
The Power of Association
“A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people” – Will Rogers
I’m not saying dump your friends. What I am saying is:
- Be intentional about who you spend time with, particularly who you talk to about your career.
- Get around people who are in life where you want to be. Successful people think differently about life and success, it’s why they’re successful.
- Get around people from a variety of backgrounds and with a variety of skills. If you want to improve your songwriting, double your sales and have a healthy marriage, recognize that you’re not going to find anyone who “has it all.” What you can find though, is two people and a couple. Find them.
What are some ways you could meet and spend time with people who are in life where you want to be?
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