At this point in the presidential race, I’m fairly open minded about our choices. I won’t vote for Hillary, but given the other two choices, I’m back to what I’ve felt for many of the last elections. Namely, “is this the best our country has to choose from?” Jeez!!!

Anyway, today’s news brings controversy about Obama’s comments while stumping in Indiana. Speaking about the frustration of middle America, he said this:

“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or
religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant
sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their

Um. ah. er…WHAT?

I have SO many problems with this statement, but above all, I’m simply disgusted by politics and the media in general. Obama’s statement highlights what I believe is the core problem with out nation today: the perception that average Americans – you know, the ones that actually live here and run our country – are stupid and/or ignorant and unable to make effective decisions on their own so we need the government to rescue us.

The government rescuing me is the LAST thing I need thank you. I have no desire to be neutered as continually more powerful and intrusive programs and institutions take over aspects of my life. Contrary to conventional thinking, it is my responsibility as a man to guide, protect and provide for my family and community. Does that mean my wife, kids and community members are helpless idiotic drones? No, because I need them too.

Does it mean I don’t need our government? Again, no. I can’t do my duties if our country is overrun by terrorists or armies of other nations. Nor can I fulfill my obligations without fair legal boundaries regarding business practices – here and abroad. But beyond that? Leave me alone thank you.

And oh, one last point about the election: even with this revealing and bone headed comment from Obama, I’m still not 100% sure who I’ll vote for. Why? because the President doesn’t hold near the power we’re told he or she does. Not only does the Washington establishment view them as a 4 or 8 year visitor, the media controls everything anyway.

Iraq is a quagmire. We’re in a recession. Bush is a complete, incompetent idiot. Paris Hilton is cool. The problem with the earth is people. People who believe in God are foolish and they all think alike. People who don’t are open minded and brilliant.

Um. Need I go on?