Ever since I made the jump from the music business to “the real world” of corporate (business) America, I’ve increasingly convinced that there are no tangible differences between the two worlds. This has been and always will be at the core of my posts here at Why I Failed.com.

So, I’m THRILLED to bring you this engaging and powerful slide presentation from Garr Reynolds summarizing key points from Dan Pink’s book: The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need.

I have only one small caveat to the content and I am passionate about the difference. One of the slides suggests that your mission is found at the intersection of Your Passion, Your Strengths and What the world needs. I disagree.

I believe the words of Howard Thurman: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Don’t spend time trying to figure out what the world needs. You’ll never nail it and you’ll waste time in the process. Instead, look to your passions and strengths and ideas. THAT’s what we need.

In a word: you.