I’m thrilled to announce the official release of Why I FAILED in the Music Business and How NOT to Follow in my Footsteps! If you’re a musician, entertainer/artist, or know someone who is, order your copy today. Here’s an excerpt from the Introduction:
Just Out of Reach
I had a pretty good run in the music business. As I look back over my 20 years of playing drums in the industry, I have no complaints. I accomplished a bunch of my goals and achieved more than most musicians ever do.
But my ultimate career goals always seemed just out of reach, and I could never figure out why. I saw and experienced things that left me confused and frustrated; things that gave me questions and doubts that eventually caused me to leave the business.
Leaving music – my one and only passion – was hard. But as I worked to retrain myself so I could provide for my family, I found a world of information; information about ideas and skills that I never knew existed.
This information gave me answers; answers to why I didn’t get gigs and other musicians did; answers to why I got some gigs and others didn’t. I learned why I thought the things I thought – and why some were good and some were not; and why I had partly succeeded, but ultimately failed.
My Experience
There are two ways to learn in life: learn from your own experiences over a long period of time, or learn from the experiences of others now. I wrote Why I FAILED in the Music Business for those of you that want the quicker path.
You Don’t Have to Fail
I know now that I didn’t have to fail in the music business, I simply didn’t know how to succeed. Order your copy of Why I FAILED in the Music Business to learn how NOT to follow in my footsteps by learning the ideas, skills and answers you need to build a long-term, success-full career in the music business.
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