My wife – I’d be dead without her. Literally. With her I’m alive and getting better.

My son with whom I am well pleased. He rocks, hard. In so many ways he does yet see or believe, but it’s coming.

My daughter with whom I am well pleased. She’s delight-ful.

My church. It has encouraged me to be so much more than I thought possible. It – they, mentioned next – also never cease to amaze me with the success-full envelope pushing. And we’re just getting started.

My family and friends. I am blessed beyond measure, beyond what I deserve and beyond what I can ever repay.

My first career in the Music Business. I had an amazing run and wouldn’t trade it for anything.

My quickly-coming-to-an-end-job that has also made me far more than I ever thought possible. For the lessons, instructions, friendships, experiences and revelations. The money’s been nice too. And insurance.

My getting-up-and-running Phase III career. Yes, I’m excited.

The Arts. Music in particular, but all art  continues to touch me deeply and I know it always will.

My Father in heaven who sets a bar ridiculously high and then dares me to reach it. I’m workin’ on it, I’m workin’ on it.

And you.