Tips for Leaders

If you follow me on Twitter, you’re aware of the fact that I tweet a lot of articles like these:

What you may not be aware of is the reason why I fill my music and artistic career related Twitter feed with leadership and business posts:  Because if you’re a musician, you are a leader.

Musicians Are Admired

When the Gibson/Miller Band was preparing to tour the country in support of our first project, the label put us through Media Training with Holly Gleason. At one point we got on the subject of interacting with fans and I’ve never forgotten what she said:

“Don’t ever discount someone’s comments about how lucky you are or how proud they are of what you’re doing. Always remember everyone had dreams to do something like you’re doing when they were younger but they gave up on them. People look up to you because you had the courage to do something they couldn’t.”

If you’re a musician, you are a leader.

Musicians Control the Culture

“Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture.”
– Allen Ginsberg

Want proof?

  • Brittney Spears Twitter Followers: 14,000,000+
  • Lady Gaga Twitter Followers: 20,000,000+
  • President Obama Twitter Followers: 13,000,000+

If you’re a musician, you are a leader.

Musicians Need Help

Visit the music section of any bookstore (or peruse Amazon) and you’ll find hundreds of books about recordings, artists, bands, equipment, and a handful about actually building a music career.

Stroll over to the business section though, and you’ll be surrounded by thousands of titles offering you everything you need to know about communication, people skills, finances, marketing, and dozens of other skills that are foundational to building a career – and life.

If you’re a musician, you are a leader.

Be a Good king

I’ll leave you with this quote from author John Eldredge: “The sorrow of the earth is bad kings.” Notice it’s “kings” with a little ‘k,’ that’s on purpose.

We all have kingdoms (and queendoms) and ruling over them badly hurts people. If you’re a musician, you are a king in a position of leadership.

I hope you’ll use it well.

What are the ways you’re making sure you’re a good king or queen?