The number one key to success is failure, but only if it’s done properly. It’s not enough to simply fail faster, you must also fail forward.

Failing Forward is the antithesis of insanity. It’s said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while hoping for different results. This is how most people fail and it is why most people quit trying.

Failing Forward means continually adjusting your strategy of attempts and/or goals. If your first path doesn’t work, use another. If the path reveals a reason to adjust your goal, change it.

Failing Forward also means you build on wins, however small they may be. There are ALWAYS wins if you look for them. They may be tangible gains or a lesson learned, but they are always there. The important thing is to use them as stepping stones to the next level. Make them powerful wins by putting them into practice.

Success is a minute by minute, inch by inch, win-by-win process. A process that only works through trial and error – and failure.

One more thought: get rid of the word try. Face it, most of the time we use the word “try” so we can have an out when we fail. We say it like “well, I’ll try, but…”  We are also very adept at saying “I TRIED, but it just didn’t….”. It’s likely that the most common word following “try” is “but.”

Stop trying. Do. In fact, fully do. Be engaged, go for it, give what you do 100% of yourself. You can’t get what you want by “trying.”

Go fail forward.

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