Another Must Read

I’ve sworn off linking to posts on sites that I encourage you to read, but this one is simply to significant not to. So, go read this if you’re at all serious about understanding and pursuing a career in today’s entertainment industry: Terry McBride...

Why I Failed Announcement

I’m moving me again! Well, part of me. For the past several months I’ve been experimenting with using this blog for any and all thoughts I had on any number of subjects. And while there have been advantages to this approach, I’ve come to realize that...

My Facebook “25 Things

After multiple requests over on Facebook, I wrote a list of 25 things about me. Here it is: 1. I shutter to think where I’d be were it not for my captivatingly beautiful and righteous babe of a wife Jill. Likely dead. I’m not kidding. 2. I’m on...