by Steve Grossman | Jan 1, 2008 | Music, Music Business
In addition to the values based plan in my last post, here are two more thoughts to help you move successfully through 2008 and beyond: First, In The Secret of Your Success in 2008…, Donald Trump says his typical mouth full when he says “Think big!”...
by Steve Grossman | Jan 1, 2008 | Music, Music Business
David Bach, writing at Yahoo Finance, has the best advice I’ve read on developing a plan for reaching your hopes and dreams. His challenge to “ditch that list of resolutions once and for all and instead follow my seven steps to create a Purposed-Focused...
by Steve Grossman | Dec 31, 2007 | Music, Music Business
Happy New Year everybody. Powered by ScribeFire.
by Steve Grossman | Dec 21, 2007 | Music, Music Business
There’s a story I heard about a high school girl getting cut by the volleyball team. While talking it over with her parents, she was told to work hard at proving the coach wrong. The thought was that she should become so good that the coach could not live...
by Steve Grossman | Dec 10, 2007 | Music, Music Business… Well, just go read. Powered by...
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