Once again, Seth has another great point for you musicians.

Succeeding in the music business is not about being the best. I know that sounds like heresy because of the hours and hours you’ve spent honing your craft. However, as I wrote on the subject of talent, there will always be someone better.
There are many ways around this problem and the following quote is one of them: “When you make something that works a little better, you’re playing the same game, just keeping up with the status quo. When you make something different, on the other hand, you’re trying to change the game.”

Two points about being “different”

  1. It is not that difficult. Often, it is as simply as showing up on time, being prepared and having a great attitude. You’d be amazed at the number of talented people who blow it by NOT doing this.
  2. Different is not the same as weird. There’s a trend in the arts to shock. While this does work, and it is most certainly different, I wouldn’t count on it to be enough to sustain a career. Can it work? Yes. But I would suggest that it only works for people who aren’t trying to shock. It only works for people who are passionately being what they are.

The last point is key. True success comes when you are passionately being you. I promise you that you are different than anyone else. The challenge in the music industry (all industries) is that it does reward copying so it’s easy to fall into being like everyone else. I would argue, however, that the success found in copying is short lived.

If you want to succeed, don’t be the best at something. Be the best you at something.