Rebellion Against the Right Things

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” – Thomas Jefferson I hope that I’m wrong, but my thought upon reading this quote today is that we live in a world that no longer believes this. A world running wild with ideas of political...

An Easter Offering From Chris Tomlin

I woke this morning with a desire to post on this Easter Sunday. Then my church Worship and Arts Ministry offered this song from Chris Tomlin. “From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea Creation’s revealing Your majesty From the colors of fall...

Digsby Launches

Lifehacker has announced the launch of Digsby which appears to be a step closer to my dream of an online hub. I haven’t downloaded it yet, but I will soon. It could be...

Organizing Me Online, Part II

In part one of this post, I discussed a desired future state where all my (your) contacts, thoughts, messages and posts would reside within a hub. A hub that would greatly simplify the creating and sending of content as well as the intake. Next I’ll tackle the revenue...