by Steve Grossman | Dec 4, 2007 | Marketing, Music, Music Business
So by now I’m thinking that you’ve read the stories about Nine Inch Nails frontman, Trent Reznor, being among the many users of the now defunct Bit Torrent tracker, OiNK. Here are the two money quotes: “I’ll admit I had an account there and frequented it...
by Steve Grossman | Nov 22, 2007 | Music
My prayer for you today is that you are surrounded by thankful people. Yes there are problems in the world and yes there are likely problems with your world too. But today is not about that. It is a day of thankful reflection and hopeful dreaming. Get yourself around...
by Steve Grossman | Nov 16, 2007 | Music, Music Business
Read this and then go practice! Powered by ScribeFire.
by Steve Grossman | Nov 12, 2007 | Money, Music Business
Your turn: Read this and let me know your thoughts. Is this the right business model? Will the labels be able to meet their end of this bargain? I don’t think so. What do you think? Powered by...
by Steve Grossman | Nov 7, 2007 | Money, Music, Music Business
I’ve been tracking this story a few ways and have found an effective recap here. Simply put, two financial analysts have downgraded the stock of Warner Music Group. So now, in addition to dealing with falling revenue from the sale of unit based music (CD’s...
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