If there’s one constant you’ll find on this blog, it’s a return to the topic of Marketing over and over. There are two primary reasons why I continue to, and always will, write about marketing (and the related topic: sales).

  1. It’s Everything: Marketing is not just a message, it is every interaction – expected or unexpected – between a business and the market. This is why my last post encouraged you to use the word marketing instead of the word strategy. Yes you need a strategy, but the word itself can be so intimidating and confusing. And when you’re confused, you’ll stop.
  2. You can’t NOT market.

Traditional Businesses

Think about companies that are masters of marketing like Starbucks, Target or Coca-Cola. Every interaction you have with them clearly and consistently communicates who they are and what they do. That’s not to say that every interaction explains the whole picture, but each piece you experience is true to the company.

Their Employees

This is true of their employees too. In fact, it’s often most true of the employees because they are the main form of contact between companies. and their customers (the market). This is why training, uniforms and management are critical to successful marketing. At the end of the day though, the employees go home and no longer represent the company.

You don’t have that option.

You ARE the Business

You don’t have the option of leaving your business and going home, you ARE the business. So for you,  every interaction – expected or unexpected – between a business and the market means every interaction you have with everyone you meet everyday, anytime, anyplace.

So I encourage you to:

  • Be proactive: spend the time and energy to completely think about your marketing. What is it you want to communicate and how will you do that in everything you say and do? All the time?
  • Get excited: having clearly understood and consistent marketing is not hard to do and it will pay huge dividends. It will also help you with confidence and a better sense of who you are.

Let me know how I can help in the comments below.